During Future Week many of the events were streamed for the audiences to be followed from other locations. Now you can watch the recordings here, categorized by content type. The streaming and recording has been powered by IBM.
Title: Morten Goodwin, AI - present and future
Description: The truth about artificial intelligence is much more fantastic than you can imagine and a lecture with Morten offers both entertaining and educational experiences. In this talk, the professor gives good advice on how to create success in a digital world and a whole new perspective on artificial intelligence.
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Title: Breakfast meeting by Norwegian Cognitive Center - Prepare for change
Description: Several organizations present their preparations for the future AI challenges and the Norwegian Cognitive Center tells us how it can be a tool to meet the future of Artificial Intelligence.
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Title: Den automatiserte redaktøren (NO)
Description: Denne høsten rulles algoritmestyrte forsider ut i en rekke norske nettaviser. Hva skjer med samfunnsoppdraget når algoritmene i økende grad styrer nyhetene på fronten? Vi tar pulsen på personalisert nyhetsutvikling, og spør: Har redaktørene kontroll med satsingen på kunstig intelligens?
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Title: Når kunstig intelligens inntar redaksjonen (NO)
Description: Kunstig intelligens i redaksjonene er ikke lenger en fjern fremtidsdrøm. Roboter er allerede i full gang med å innhente og verifisere data, skrive saker og tilpasse dem til ulike målgrupper. Samtidig kommer den nye teknologien med problemstillinger knyttet til moral og etikk. I dette frokostmøtet blir du kjent med noen av dem som har tatt KI i bruk, og får høre om deres erfaringer og tanker om fremtiden.
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Title: The future is wireless - 5G and merging technologies
Description: 5G is expected to open up completely new opportunities for many industries. Not least this also applies to the media industry, where technology is now being tested and explored. Although the possibilities are many, 5G is still quite in the making and a number of questions and conditions remain unanswered and unresolved.
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Title: Mediatech stars pitching contest
Description: MediaMotorEurope (MME) presents the most promising media startups in Europe in the Future Week pitching contest for the 3rd support cycle startups.
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Title: STADIEM Pitching Contest
Description: Listen to some of the greatest European scaleups pitch their innovative solutions for next-generation media.
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Title: Mediatech
Description: In this session, you will meet various companies and solutions, all talking about the possibilities within mediatech.
Title: Media City Odense
Description: Media City Odense is an exciting growing environment with ambitions to become Denmark's most innovative and value-creating mediatech cluster. Join the session to learn more.
Title: Media Cluster Relay
Description: Did you know that several of the companies in the Norwegian Media Cluster integrate with each other? In this presentation, you will see how.
Title: Show & Tell (NO)
Description: Møt noen av medieklyngens spennende selskaper og tech-startups, og få et innblikk «på bakrommet» til de som jobber med ulike innovasjonsprosjekt for mediebransjen.
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Title: James Ball: Good intentions gone bad
Description: Using reporting from his recent book The System: Who Owns The Internet And How It Owns Us, investigative journalist James Ball explains how choices made in the very design of the early internet led to the rise of private tracking through our browsers and our cookies – despite being intended to do the opposite. Having charted the rise of the cookie, Ball will then set out how it might be replaced.
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Title: Livet etter cookien(NO)
Description: I forbindelse med behandlingen av Digital Services Act (DSA) er det kommet endringsforslag som handler om å forby eller begrense målrettet reklame. Ingvild Næss som er Chief Privacy and Data Trends Officer i Schibsted og leder av MBLs Data og personverngruppe, vil gå gjennom de utfordringene vi som bransje står overfor og peke på mulige veier videre.
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Title: James Ball: Stats versus story?
Description: Data journalism is getting more sophisticated every month: big publications especially have a fantastic design, statistical expertise, and more coders than ever – not to mention advanced OSINT skills. But we sometimes forget that our readers don’t have those resources on hand. How do we make sure our expertise works for our audience and our journalism, and not against it?
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Title: Fireplace talk med Kadafi Zaman: Den norske drømmen
Description: Kadafi Zaman er aktuell med boken Den norske drømmen, som forventes i salg i slutten av september. Aslaug C. Henriksen, utenrikssjefen i TV 2, setter seg ned for fireplace chat med den profilerte journalisten for å høre mer om boken og historien bak.
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Title: Journalism is for citizens - not for journalists
Description: How do we build journalism that better reflects society, provides us with the information we need to participate, and inspires trust?
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Title: The Data Journalism Conference
Description: MCB Hack er en rykende fersk konferanse rettet spesielt mot nerdene i redaksjonene. Konferansen legger seg midt i skjæringspunktet mellom teknologi og journalistikk, hvor visualisering, koding, skraping og sensorikk er relevante stikkord.
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Title: Møt de som går helt nye veier for å fortelle spennende historier (NO)
Description: Store kameraproduksjoner, roboter, en fotballsatsing uten sidestykke og storytelling fra dypet. Møt de i Stavanger som går helt nye veier for å fortelle spennende historier på måter.
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Title: Estonia - The discovery that changed history
Description: On the 28th of September 2020, the documentary series «Estonia - The discovery that changed history» was released. Producer Frithjof Jacobsen and director Bendik Mondal present their work with the series. They will tell you all about the political, judicial, and public reactions and share their thoughts about the future of this developing story.
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Title: Hjetland og Hønsi om Highsoft (NO)
Description: 80 av de 100 største selskapene på Fortune 500 list bruker Highcharts, hør den utrolige historien og bli kjent med menneskene bak selskapet.
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Title: Entrepreneurship in media
Description: We brought together two companies that come from two different backgrounds. For Ljoma, it started as hobby for the founder Kåre Mongstad. When he realized he was on to something, but with the need for both funding and knowledge. Everviz is a result of «intrapreneurship», how to build from inside, and then spin out. We learned more about their journey and the in-ears Ljoma produces and the interactive chart platform that Everviz has rolled out.
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Title: A brief history of computer music
Description: In this talk, we went on a journey through the history of music made with code. We met the pioneers who invented computer music, visit classic video game soundtracks, learned how computer musicians made big sounds with tiny tech, how algorithms create never-ending soundtracks and the huge impact computer music has had on popular culture. Expect lots of nostalgia, vintage code on vintage computers, and a musical experience of epic proportions.
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