11. June.Time: 15:00 - 18:00
During the workshop you will gain insight into the underlying methodology and how you can evaluate functional correctness, by working through examples and practical exercises as a group. Among other things, we will look at content-based methods, collaborative filtering with matrix factorization, and sequence prediction with deep neural networks.
Please note: The exercises will be conducted with Python and requires that you (or someone accompanying you to the workshop) is familiar with basic programming and that you bring your own device.
If machine learning has seemed like a mythical domain to you, this workshop will provide you with a better understanding of the process and help you get started with your own projects.
PS: This talk will be given in english
By David Fredman, Sonat: Fredman holds a PhD in Bioinformatics. He has extensive experience in managing and analyzing large data sets, with a specialization in prediction and data mining. He significant academic experience from international and national research institutions, and has worked with machine learning and prediction in banking, healthcare and media and manufacturing.
This event is part of the Media City Bergen Future Week on June 11-14.
50+ events will be taking place inside the Media City Bergen building, and all focused on topics that challenge our common future as it is driven and shaped by technology.
Read more about it here: https://www.mediacitybergen.no/future-week/
If you are interested in more events like this, you can sign up to our newsletter here: http://bit.ly/NCEmedianyhetsbrev
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