7. June.Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Har forskere og journalister noe de kan lære hverandre? - Begge gruppene samler inn data med kvalitative og kvantitative metoder, med sikte på å publisere ny og sann kunnskap. Men profesjonsetikken og tradisjonene er ganske ulike. Paul og Tarjei Leer-Salvesen har skrevet en annerledes lærebok som behandler temaet i dialogform. Lesere i begge leire kan få seg noen overraskelser.
Sesjonen blir ledet av Per Christian Magnus, leder for Senter for undersøkende journalistikk
Tarjei Leer-Salvesen works with investigative journalism. He has a background from Fædrelandsvennen, NRK Brennpunkt, Dagbladet and Klassekampen, and has written three textbooks on method. He occasionally teaches at UiS and at SUJO at UiB, and specializes in access to public documents and data.
Paul Leer-Salvesen is a theologian (dr.philos.) and professor emeritus at the department of ethics, philosophy and history at the University of Agder. His professional writing has revolved around topics such as imprisonment, guilt and shame. He also has a background as a journalist.
This event is a part of the Media City Bergen Future Week, a media and mediatech festival consisting of a number of research seminars, conferences, workshops, breakfast meetings, popup talks, entertainment, demos, presentations, debates, talks, and discussions. Save the dates 7 - 10 June, for Future Week 22, a week of inspiring events in Bergen, Oslo, and Stavanger.
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