10. June.Time: 12:00 - 12:45
UiB AI is a platform to coordinate, promote and make visible research, education and innovation initiatives in artificial intelligence at the University of Bergen, and to facilitate for collaboration and contact both between faculties of UiB and with partners and collaborators outside of UiB. For the session today we have two speakers that are representative of some of our activities.
Clemens Stachl is a visiting researcher from the University of St.Gallen. He combines psychology and AI in his research and will give you a taste of what that research looks like.
Truls Pedersen is a lecturer in the UiB's bachelor program in AI. This program started last semester and is the first AI bachelour in Norway. In his talk Truls will give you a taste of what the AI students get to learn at UiB.
The session will be introduced by Pinar Heggernes, the chair of the UiB AI steering group. Pinar is a professor in Informatics at UiB and the deputy rector of UiB for education and digitalisation. She will give an overview of the UiB AI activities and directions fot more AI knowledge at UiB.
Clemens Stachl: Traces of Ourselves - Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Behavioral Data for Research and Society
The progressing digitization of our society profoundly transforms how we as human beings communicate, interact with media, and make decisions. This transformation also gives rise to fundamentally new opportunities for research in the behavioral and social sciences. In the past, researchers were limited to study human behavior in laboratories and throw self-report questionnaires. Now it is possible to collect data on human behavior and contexts with consumer electronics in the real world. Machine learning provides the possibility to represent and model patterns of human life at unseen granularity and depth. In this talk I will present some of my own work on digital behavior and personality traits and discuss the unique possibilities and challenges of these developments for academia and industry alike.
Truls Pedersen: How to program a robot
Artificial agents and robots are concepts that make us think about a fantasy future. But you can build one in your living room for little. Getting the robot to do what you want or behave intelligently, that is the tricky part. The students in UiB’s AI bachelor program have been learning how to do it this semester. The talk will give a glimpse of this experience to the MCB Media Future attendants on how to do it. Robots not welcome, testing for humans will be done upon entry.
This event is a part of the Media City Bergen Future Week, a media and mediatech festival consisting of a number of research seminars, conferences, workshops, breakfast meetings, popup talks, entertainment, demos, presentations, debates, talks, and discussions. Save the dates 7 - 10 June, for Future Week 22, a week of inspiring events in Bergen, Oslo, and Stavanger.