The Christmas Special is NCE Media’s annual gathering for members and partners of the Media Cluster, who were treated to Christmas snacks, entertainment and a recap of an eventful 2018.
A year with a flurry of activities, with 150+ official visits to the Media Cluster, including Presidents and Royalty. 30 prestigious awards. 17 new spin-offs. More than 100 members. This is the results from the Norwegian Media Cluster, as we conclude a successful 2018.
This year had several exciting highlights. The first MCB Pavilion at IBC – Europe’s largest media tech expo in Amsterdam, the inaugural mcb tech conference in June, and the continuous growth in membership, innovations, research projects and lots and lots of activities, events, workshops in the Media Lab, on average two-three events every week throughout the year.
There is still an extremely high rate of innovation in the cluster. A total of 80% of the member companies have launched new innovations to the market this year, and 50% have received extra innovation funding.
End of the year awards
This event is also a good occasion to give some much deserved praise to some of the cluster’s most enthusiastic and inspirational people, who volunteer countless hours to promote cooperation and innovation in the Cluster:
"Årets Ambassadør": Grethe Hjetland (Highsoft)
Grethe Hjetland was awarded for her contribution, enthusiasm, hard work and wisdom, and her efforts to strengthen the Media Cluster community. Through professional and personal integrity, and a visionary approach to cluster cooperation, she represents an important driving force for future growth and success for the Media Cluster.
"Årets nettverksbygger": Stig Frode Opsvik (Knowit)
Stig Frode Opsvik received the award for for networking, inclusivity, generousity and positive efforts for the cluster community. For many years, Stig Frode Opsvik has been an opener of doors and builder of networks to take the lead to strengthen collaboration and engagement between cluster partners, as well as between the cluster and other ecosystems.
"Årets Entusiast": Svein Frotjold (Deloitte) and Stein Irgens (IBM)
Awarded to Stein Irgens (pictured) and Svein Frotjold from our Media Lab partners IBM and Deloitte respectively, received the award for their enthusiasm, involvement and all-around positivity in the Media Cluster. Enthusiasm is a treasured currency which takes the Cluster and NCE Media far. We thank you for your involvement, momentum, and inspiration throughout 2018
"Årets klyngefarer": The University of Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies (Infomedia)
Ole J. Mjøs, Professor, and Academic Director, The University of Bergen's in Media City Bergen, received the award on behalf of Infomedia, a driving force in the cluster community and a key player for knowledge development and innovation in collaboration with other clusters. UiB is a long-standing core partner of the Cluster and an important driver for activities and collaboration. UiB works closely with several of the cluster's companies, and is always careful to highlight what the community means for the actual results.
Good Helper of the Year: Ingrid Agasøster (Mediability)
Ingrid Agasøster received this award for extraordinary efforts on behalf of the cluster community. Throughout the year, Agasøster has brought considerable contributions and devoted countless hours to unpaid work for the cluster, especially related to the Cluster's first MCB Pavilion at IBC, and thus assisted greatly to its success.
Thumbs Up Award: Roy Tore Jensen (Knowit)Roy Tore Jensen received the award for his untiring effort for the community, great involvement, and a fundamental Yes-attitude. During his many years in the Cluster, Roy Tore has delivered decisive and important contributions on every level, and is above all a solid and supportive player in the cluster organization.
"Medieklyngens gullmedalje": Rune Smistad (NCE Media)Rune Smistad received the award for long and faithful service to the Norwegian Media Cluster. Smistad has been a central piece in building the media cluster to what it is today and he has been a key contributor to a number of large projects, including MCB Media Lab, and has taken on major tasks on behalf of the community. Rune is a wonderful colleague and an important resource in the NCE Media team.
See you next year!
We would like to thank every member, partner and contributor in the Cluster for good help throughout the year, and would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in 2019!
More pictures from the event below: