Metis and BPG take great pride in having a practical and industry-oriented approach in their education, and have a close connection to the media industry through the cluster organization NCE Media.
– This connection gives our students unique insight into the industry and the opportunities that exist within it. A number of the Media Cluster companies were present at the festival, with all of them having expertise within different areas in the field of media. The goal of the festival is to show how diverse this industry is, says Rolf Næss, Head of Media and Communication at Metis High School.
An eye-opener
It’s the first time Metis and BPG organizes a media festival together with the Media Cluster. The festival proved to be a real eye-opener for Kristine Trengereid (17), who is attending VG2 Media and Communications at Metis.
– I used to believe that working in media meant being a journalist or being an editor for film and TV. But I now realize that plenty of other, exciting opportunities exist. I especially liked Bergen Tidende’s session on their Insight tool and how it provide real time data on sales and subscriptions. But It also seems very interesting to work with TV graphics, says Trengereid.
Miriam Andvik (17), also attending VG2 Media and Communications at Metis, found the festival very relevant.
– It was very fun! It was interesting to hear from all the different media companies that is gathered in “little” Bergen, and we also learned how diverse the industry is, says Andvik.
She believes events like this will increase the probability for them trying to get a job in the media industry.
– Absolutely! There are so many opportunities that I haven’t thought about before. Motitech, for example, has a concept that I really would like to be a part of. They are making a difference for people that really need it.Miriam Andvik and Kristine Trengereid doing a photoshoot with fellow student Ingrid Sæthre Samuelsen. (Photo: Martin Egset-Linneke)
Metis and BPG have a close connection to the Media Cluster - what does this mean for the students?
– I think it gives us a head start compared to other media students. We get a unique look into the industry. Now, after this festival, I feel the media industry seems to be teeming with life. It’s almost as if I’ve had a look into the future, says Andvik.
The University of Bergen, TV Bra and SpeakLab made an impression on Mathilde Iden and Nora Urdal Nesse, both students at VG 1 Media and Communications at BPG.
– I particularly enjoyed the session with the University - it gave me the motivation to study media when I graduate from high school. The journalist from BT Junior also made me aware of how important news is for children and young people, says Mathilde Iden.
– TV Bra made an impression on me. We saw that their stories matters and can lead to important changes for their target group. Arne Møller from SpeakLab taught us the value of a good story - both in the media and in our own lives. He inspired me to think that you are never too old and it is never to late to accomplish the things you want in life, says Nora Urdal Nesse.From left: Nora Urdal Nesse and Mathilde Iden, both VG 1 Media and Communications BPG.
Good neighbours
Amongst the nine companies from the cluster, three of them are located in Media City Bergen. Vizrt, UiB, and Bergens Tidende all had representatives at the festival.
– It’s fun to be Media City Bergen’s neighbour. There is always something media related going on in Lars Hilles Gate, something which benefits both students and teachers at Metis and BPG, says Næss.André Torsvik, Vizrt. (Photo: Tonje Li, BPG)
Arne Møller, SpeakLab and Siril Ellingsen, BPG. (Photo: Martin Egset-Linneke / Metis VGS)
Other participants from the cluster were Mer Film, SpeakLab, Myreze, TV Bra and Motitech. The Media Festival was arranged for the first time this year, and Næss is hoping to expand it next year.
– We would like to thank all the fantastic companies that contributed to the festival. Next year, we are hoping to expand the festival further, and give even more members of the cluster the opportunity to pitch their work for our students, Næss concludes.
More photos from the festival:
Jan-Magne Vik Sletten, Camilla Kvalheim and Isabel Aanes, all from TV Bra. (Photo Tonje Li, BPG)
Siv Dyb Vangsmo, Mer Film (Photo: Tonje Li, BPG)
Martin Lavik Nygaard from Myreze, reunited with his former teacher at Metis, Bård-Inge Heggholmen. (Photo: Martin Egset-Linneke)
Anne Jacobsen, NCE Media (Photo: Tonje Li, BPG)
Ole Mjøs, UiB. (Photo: Tonje Li, BPG)