Media Cluster Members partnering with One Ocean Expedition

Published 30.08.2021
On 20 August 2021, the Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl departed from Arendal for a circumnavigation of the world. Several members of the media cluster, Mjoll, Scary Weather, and Screen Story, contribute to the expedition by creating and processing digital content from the journey.

The One Ocean Expedition is a part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It aims to create and share knowledge about the Ocean´s crucial role for a sustainable future from a global perspective. The ship serves as a powerful tool for research, continuously collecting high-quality ocean physics, chemistry, and biology data throughout the expedition. Additionally, it also operates as a floating university, bringing crews of students and young leaders together at different periods of time. 

Everything happening onboard, both research and daily life activities, have to be communicated to the world. Scary Weather, Mjoll and Screen Story all broadcast the ongoing activities and create the media content.

Scary Weather

Scary Weather is a media production company, specialized in storytelling. The team consists of Eli Kari Gjengedal and Ronald Toppe. They offer training and produce and distribute content. As a member of the media cluster, they produce live-podcasts for NCE Media. Read more about Scary Weather here.

Scary Weather got invited by the One Ocean Expedition to be a part of the project as a media partner. Reporters on board upload videos, pictures, and text through a satellite connection to the Mimir platform, which is then used to manage and process the content. The editorial staff located in Bergen, which Ronald and Eli Kari from Scary Weather are a part of, will edit and publish this digital content. Helene Spurkeland, the editor-in-chief, has expressed how much she values their help:

– It is great to have Ronald Toppe from Scary Weather join us in the editorial staff. He has invaluable knowledge and experience, and produces cases at a high pace.

Scary Weather did also course the producers how to transform the content into stories interesting way that will engage the audience. Before the expedition started, Eli Kari gave the producers training in casting and creating a good case. The content created at the expedition is used for various purposes. These stories are being shared across social media and being used as teaching material for schools and raw material for other media.



Mjoll is a software company offering cloud and hybrid-cloud media management tools for journalists and editors. Their cloud-based platform, Mimir, helps users move media assets to a cloud, while at the same time offering to automate time-consuming tasks, such as speech-to-data transcriptions, face recognition, event tagging and more. Mimir can be directly accessed from Adobe Premiere to import clips and raw data into a project, making it a comprehensive cloud-based video production tool. Read more about Mimir here.

Mimir is used by the One Ocean Expedition to store and share files and content from the ship to the editorial staff in Bergen. The platform, therefore, plays a vital part in conveying the research and activities on board.


Screen Story

Screen story is a film company that makes movies from start to finish, from only an idea to finished material. They produce movies for all kinds of purposes, either it is marketing, teaching, or promoting. You can read more about their production here.

Screen Story is engaged in the One Ocean Expedition secure the file flow from the ship to land. One of the platforms they use is Mimir, and the company’s task is to ensure the best use of the technology and its services. An important part of the delivery is to give One Ocean advice on how to build up a map structure and organize the raw data and finished files in the platform. Screen Story will assist the ship crew throughout the expedition and facilitate the best outcome.


Varied contributions from the media cluster

TV 2 are also contributing to the One Ocean Expedition, and we can expect to see some extraordinary footage on the channel during the 20-month long journey.

Bergen Tidende has made a visual and informative landing page where their readers can follow the expedition and read all about One Ocean, including live footage from Statsraad Lehmkuhl.

Other partners contributing to The One Ocean Expedition from the Media Cluster are the University of Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, and Sparebanken Vest.