Welcome to the first edition of 20 minutes on fighting disinformation in 2023

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Published 16.02.2023
Russia's systemic approach to online propaganda and manipulation

Eskil Grendahl Sivertsen is Special Adviser at Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. In this presentation he will provide a brief overview of Russia's system and techniques for propaganda and manipulation on the internet and social media. You will gain insights into how Russian operatives conduct their influence campaigns, what outcomes they seek to produce, and what they hope to achieve through their activities. The presentation also includes concrete examples from actual instances of Russian influence operations.

About Eskil
Eskil Grendahl Sivertsen has both a civilian and military background that includes 18 years of experience with strategic communications from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Armed Forces, tech and the communications industry. Sivertsen has been a strategic communications advisor to five different defense ministers, plans chief for psychological operations (PSYOPS) in the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and he has also been a member of the Ministry of Defense’s crisis staff. In recent years he has specialized in influence operations, including actors, methods and concepts, vulnerability analyzes and measures to strengthen the resilience of society. As a special adviser at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and one of Norway’s leading specialists on information warfare, Sivertsen is a frequently used speaker and advisor for the ministries and the defense sector.