
Org. number 984586612

Altibox AS is a Norwegian Telecom company delivering fibre- based broadband, TV and telephony, to a large number of Norwegian and Danish households in a business to business Partnership model. This Partnership is the largest entity of fibre-based Telecom companies in Norway. Altibox began operations in 2002 and is fully owned by the industrial group Lyse AS located in the City of Stavanger.

Lyse is a Norwegian industrial group operating within the fields of energy and fibre-based broadband. The Group began operations on 1 January 1999 but has roots that extend more than 100 years back in time. The Lyse Group has developed into a substantial national operator within renewable energy. With experience from building and operating infrastructure, the Group has established itself as the national leader within fibre-optic broadband. In recent years Lyse has developed a gas network in Sør-Rogaland and operates an LNG business in a Nordic market.

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Get in touch

Svein Aronsen
[email protected]

Where to go

Breiflåtveien 18, 4017 Stavanger