The Norwegian Media Cluster has evolved into an exciting international environment with Vizrt, Vimond, Fonn Group, Myreze, Highsoft, the TV broadcasters TV2, NRK, and publishers Bergens Tidende, Dagens Næringsliv and Stavanger Aftenblad as key players. The cluster also holds a wide variety of exciting startups working on solving industry challenges and delivering important innovations to the global market.
The Media Cluster HQ is located in Media City Bergen, a leading international hub for media and technology innovation, with the Media Lab and a startup lab forming the core of the innovation and research projects for the cluster and cluster partners.
The cluster in total counts around 100 companies, with eight major universities and research facilities among its members. The University of Bergen is a founding partner of the Media Cluster. Dept. of Information Science and Media Studies is co-located in MCB together with leading media and media technology companies.
This is a highly successful environment. Fueled by a unique way of working together, combined with the best tools, more than 80 percent of cluster members launch innovations every year. The Norwegian Media Cluster enjoys an innovation ecosystem that works extremely well, with a high degree of joint innovation projects and high innovation speed.
The Norwegian Media Cluster has been awarded a Centre of Expertise status from Innovation Norway as a cluster organization, NCE Media (Norwegian Center of Expertise in Media). The cluster is also awarded the ECEI GOLD Label “Excel in Cluster Excellence", which is awarded to cluster management organizations that demonstrate a high level of professionalism and sophisticated cluster management.
Our Team
Helge O. Svela, helge(), +47 907 26 422
Senior Project Manager
Ketil Moland Olsen, ketil(), +47 922 11 852
Senior Project Manager
Marianne Fjellhaug, marianne(), +47 958 89 702
Communication & Senior Project Manager
Charlotte Vindenæs, charlotte(), +47 476 42 905
Strategy & Partnership Manager
Magnus Hoem Iversen, magnus(), +47 464 56 631
Media City Bergen AS
Lars Hilles gate 30
5008 Bergen