mcb tech .19 is over. We hope to see you all next year! 

Check out our summary of the conference and the Future Week in the article below.   

Meet the Media Cluster at NAB

Meet us, our members and partners at NAB in Las Vegas.


Prosjekt Reynir får 10 millioner til tech-løft mot desinformasjon

Agenda Vestlandet støtter Medieklyngen i kampen mot falske nyheter.

Project Reynir receives 10 million kroner for technological solutions to fight disinformation

Agenda Vestlandet supports Media City Bergen in the fight against fake news.

Årshjulet 2024

Året er allerede godt i gang, og det er også aktivitetsplanleggingen i Medieklyngen. Fra konferanser og workshops til nettverksmøter og studieturer: Her får du en oversikt over noen av høydepunktene i årshjulet for 2024. Sett av datoene i kalenderen din allerede nå!

We are facing a storm of fake content, and we have never been more vulnerable. What can we do about it?

The solution may be closer than you think.



mcb tech .19 is a joint initiative between the Norwegian Media Cluster (NCE Media) and The Norwegian Fintech Cluster (NCE Finance Innovation). Mcb tech is organized for the second time, after a successful inaugural conference in the summer of 2018. Read more here

Send a mail to event() if you have questions regarding the conference.